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For this you do need special serial hardware so you can use it in multidrop mode - this is what a lot of car changer busses do.

Is that because you're running the one set of wires all the way along? I would have thought it would be better to have each unit with separate in and out ports so that each unit is acting like a local relay.

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I did come up with an actual protocol to run over the serial port when docked - the single character commands were just a debug thing which people started to use. The protocol is much more extensible and rather more useful :)

I have to say that the enormous usefullness of this is enough to make me think all third party projects should put themselves on hold and sort out the specs of this. Yeah, we end up with a bus similar to all the other busses around (I wonder if we could have fiber... :-). But it's open API, open protocol, and that means it's much more flexible and much more usable than all the other proprietary car bus standards out there.

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