Regarding your soapbox, Doug:

I think that excessive speed can be a problem if the drivers aren't attentive. There are some speeders who are poor drivers and don't pay close attention to what they're doing. In those instances, the speed contributes to the amount of damage they do in an accident.

On the other hand, a fast driver who is attentive enough to avoid cops (i.e., he is constantly scanning the vehicles around him and paying close attention to onramps) is also a safer driver than many of the slow ones.

I like the idea that drivers should be afraid of cops catching them for speeding. Keeps a nice system whereby most folks drive a little more safely, but a few attentive speeders still get away with speeding. Those that aren't attentive get caught.

If only people in this country would keep right, then everything would be perfect...

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris