Yeah, they are sold out, and we will make some more (which involves putting them in a nice little bag with a hex key) and then they will be back in stock. You might have to wait a couple of weeks to get your screen kit for your EOL product but if that isn't acceptable I'll have David put one in the post for you tomorrow.

If you call the Rio Car support number that's what you'll hear. If you call the eStore you'll hear that they're out of stock, and they won't know when they'll be in stock because I haven't told them.

I should probably spend less time on the BBS writing this kind of stuff.

Additional Note: I see where you picked up on the in-stock not-in-stock thing now. When I saw "we have them in stock" the "we" part refers to Cambridge. We have all the parts in stock to make the kits, and we also have some completed kits in stock at our international store. The only place in the world where you have to wait to get a screen kit right now is the USA and - frankly - that makes quite a change.


Edited by rob (17/01/2002 19:09)