I actually designed Logoedit so that you could double-click on a .zimage file and it should run the main "logoedit.exe" and then upload the logo for you.

Unfortunately, it only works intermittently for me. Sometimes it launches the logo editor without uploading the file. Sometimes it launches and uploads. I haven't figured out why, yet.

When I address the next version of the logo editor, I will see if I can make it work 100 percent, and then it will be even easier (just say "open with" on a Zimage file, and check the "always open this kind of file with this program" box).

As it stands right now, you can do that and it will work sometimes. If it doesn't work, at least logoedit will run and then you can just drag the zimage file onto the logo editor and it will work at that time.
Tony Fabris