. . . Audiocatalyst, which without a DOUBT, is the worst sounding encoder u can get ( . . . ) Usin an encoder such as Lame, I really can barely tell the difference between mp3 and wav Thanks for the links, I'll study them more closely and will certainly have a go with LAME and check for myself. (I passed testing Frauenhofer as they wanted some US$250 even for trying it out

). It's funny that, although the second link you quote is really negative on AudioCatalyst, the first link recommends it as it is supposedly LAME based:
link2Check out this page ( . . ), highlighting Xings (ACAT`s) below par performace. (http://www.r3mix.net/)
link1Usin an encoder such as Lame (http://www.sulaco.org/mp3/), I really can barely tell the difference between mp3 and wav.
quote from this site:Commercial software which supports or uses LAME:
. Audiograbber. Windows ripper/encoder
. CDcopy Windows ripper/encoder
. Easy CD-DA Extractor Windows ripper/encoder, includes LAME binaries.
. . confused . .

mark2 nr: 006