Not to start a country/city sensibility battle here, but.....
If fox hunting is bad, what about any hunting in the US or even worse, bow hunting.

A bullet is only an instant kill in hollywood. An arrow is even less.
How many hunters out there are skilled enough for an instant kill? Not that many.
How many deer or javalina die a slow death from blood loss, especially from bow hunters.
Also, how does any predator kill its prey? Not by talking it do death, thats for sure

The real core of this debate is that any form of hunting is always frowned upon by the city folk who think that the beef burger was never a real living animal, and can even less likely think about the whole process of just how that chicken, ribeye or pork chop got to their plate.
Whereas the country folk are the ones raising the cattle/chickens/pigs etc. They have a totally differant view of what is happening.

I am not a veggie, I just accept all aspects of killing other animals for food etc. Millions of cows/chickens/pigs die every year to feed us, no amount of glossing over the speed/painless or humane methods used can hide what happens.

A visit to a slaughter house will rid anyone of any thoughts that the animals there a treated with respect. They are all walking meat and burgers. The cows are TERRIFIED and trembling in fear before they are 'humanely' killed then chopped up and served in Burgerking the following week.

Thats life (ours, not theirs)
========================== the chewtoy for the dog of Life