its all good points..... Allthough..... I dont think its justified to kill anybody unless they propose an imidiate danger to you or your family.... Here in sweden we have a principle called the staircase of violence. You are only allowed to take one step over the assiliant within the law. If he threatens you.... You are allowd to threat him back. If he punches you, then you have the legal right to punch him back. But if you were to jump a couple of steps, say if he threatens you and you then kick him in the face! then you are the agressor and he is the victim. And you get convicted. Or if he broke into your home threatening you and you shoot him in the back, then you are definetly going to get convicted. And rightly so....

of course you have the right to defend yourself... But only when you actually HAVE to defend yourself... after all.... its just material things.... and will probably be replaced by your insurance company....