Well good lord, look how many [bleeding heart liberal voice] children [/bleeding heart liberal voice] get killed every year in auto accidents. I guess we'd better take all cars off the road to keep everyone safe. Or how many people accidentally drown in their pool in the back yard, we don't really need those do we? I mean, they're just for fun. God, how many people die every year because they fell asleep with a cigarette in their hands? Well, let's rule out smoking at home too. Oh but wait, I heard that second hand smoke kills milions of people a year, let's just ban smoking altogether. While we're at it, having electricity in your home GREATLY increases you and your family's risk of being electrocuted. Perhaps the amish have it right after all. No, wait, they have all those nasty farm implements around. Hmmmm.

If you want my opinion, I'd much rather have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it. And yes, my point in my earlier post was that my area has extremely low crime because trespassing on someone's property around here will get you an ass full of rock salt buckshot. If you go into their house, it turns into real buckshot. If we were to give away all our guns, we become people who live a mile away from each other and therefore easy pickings.