well.... I live in a country were firearms are illegal.... I have never been robbed/hijacked/abused or felt threatened in any way (exept when I am in a bar and someone tries to pick a fight with me) I seriously dont miss owning a gun, or miss the fact that my neighbour would try to kill me if I rang his doorbell asking to barrow some sugar.
Gun control works... And I bet I feel and ARE alot safer than most of you guys, atleast from the sound of it.
I have done military duty, so I am not totally unfamiliar with firearms. Allthough I really miss being able to shoot with them on a firing range.... But I dont want them back at the cost of my safety...
I miss that feeling of my old 7.62mm machine gun blasting away... *dreams back to the good old days* (2 years ago...=)
And I really would like to try shooting some 12.7 mm guns to.... I never got the chance of doing that.... and I probably never will again....