Uh huh. I have to admit it was an acquired taste for me, though. The reason? Andy Dick. I can't stand the guy. So whenever I flipped by and News Radio was on, I associated the show with him, and looked elsewhere for my entertainment.

One day, though, I watched a full episode (I don't think he had a major part in it) and I started to get hooked on the show. Then as I watched it more, I kinda came to an understanding about Andy Dick. He wasn't put in the show to be funny, because he clearly isn't funny. But he makes a lot of the other characters on the show more funny in their reactions and dealings with him. It's a simple concept, of course, basically he's a comedic foil, but he's such a bumbling idiot that I couldn't see that until I really watched the show more closely and thought about the interactions between the characters. Now he doesn't bother me at all, even in episodes where he's the central character.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff