Thanks for the article. That eased my mind a bit, or at least until the egg sac thing. I mean great, now he's put a negative connection to Charlotte's Web in my mind

But yeah, Tony. I know how you feel. I'm not looking forward to going back to my place in Williamsburg because of my old roommate. Last year, when he first moved in, I unfortunately discovered that he loved to deep fry turkeys. The bad part was that when he was done, he'd just throw the carcass in the trash without wraping it up first. Since I wasn't there for a few days, the trash didn't get taken out. As you would expect, bad smell>maggots>flies. These were enormous black flies. Absolutely disgusting. So every night I would be worried about one of them flying into my mouth or something. I would regularly see one land on my covers. Ugh. And he just left recently, and told me there was a fly problem with the trash can again. I hope they aren't in the house