Well, shit. It happened again last night. Right before 5 AM. And we usually sleep till 7:30 or so.

This time, I felt it on my ear, it woke me, I tried to get it but couldn't find it. Jenny complained that I'd turned on the light... she wasn't aware of what was happening. Since I couldn't find the spider, I thought I might have simply imagined it, or that it was just my hair touching my ear in a funny way or some such. So I settled back down, turned out the light, and tried to go back to sleep.

Then I heard Jenny shuffling around strangely on her side of the bed, and suspected she might now be going through the same thing. So I turned on the light again, and she says angrily, "what are you doing?", approximately 2 seconds before letting out a shriek and sitting bolt upright, brushing at her arms.

"That is what I was doing", I replied calmly.

We looked for the spider all over and around the bed and couldn't find it.

I'm really sleepy today.

Tony Fabris