One of the guys I work with is married to a nurse. He was telling us about a guy who went into her emergency room with a brown recluse bite. Definately not a pretty image. Their poison is mean, but I suppose any kind of poison isn't exactly nice.

I'm not fond of spiders, but we use to have a family of black widows living near our water heater when we were stationed in Utah.

I tried to find a link to contribute to this thread, but I have no idea where it is. I might have to look at it when I get home. Anyway, this spider was huge, its legs stuck out from under a clock and it was ENORMOUS! The photo taker removed the clock so he could see the whole thing. The consensus between everybody I showed the link to and myself was that we wouldn't kill the thing, we'd just move, right then.

Edit: Woo! Found some of the pics...

Only three here.
There is a great thread about those pictures that still make me laugh.

Edited by Tim (08/08/2003 16:02)