Great pic! I wish I had some good pictures of my pet tarantula we had in Haiti.

I was in Haiti for a month, and we kept getting tarantulas in the bathroom. They would wander in from outside and we would remove them by taking a branch from a tree, leading the tarantula onto the branch, then throwing the branch far away outside into a cane field. I was the designated tarantula catcher around and one day we decided to get one and keep it in a cage. We caught it in a super-large mayo jar, the tarantula was a medium sized one, about 6-8 inches long. While it was in the jar we fed it a gecko. That was pretty interesting, the tarantula has two claws around it's jaw and it bit the gecko with them. Then it used them to pull the gecko's body into it's mouth leaving only the head and tail. After that we made a cage out of a box and screen, and the tarantula just kind of hung out the rest of the time we were there (I think it was really full after the gecko). We let him go when I left.
Mark Cushman