You know, this thread (one of the best ever, in my opinion) has been dead for too long.

I got thinking about it Friday morning at about 2:30am, when one of the guys I work with came up to me with a little box, saying "look! look!"

About of the biggest damn Brown Recluse I've ever seen. Just over an inch long, I'd say.

So he took it home, and pitted it against his "fightin' spider". Seems he like to put other bugs he catches in with said "fightin' spider" and watching the battle. I'm not sure what type of spider "fightin' spider" is, he just says its big black and mean as hell.

As it happenes, the champ is no more. I guess the Recluse pretty much bit it in half then took it's time with dinner.

Pretty rare to see one in Denver, honestly. I'll see if I can get a picture of this one.