The triangle is a preamp (op-amp) inside the mic somewhere.
So that's what it (clearly
) is
Andy M mentioned it too, but I didn't notice. As I glanced at the schematic it seemed like line 1 was going under the op-amp not like a component with 4 connections. My bad.
So I guess this means for Tony that 1+2 go into the tip of the connector and 3 on the ring. This should work since emped does have phantom power so it must have the coupling capacitor in it's circuit internaly or else it would feed DC to it's mic stage.
The (oversimplified) schematic should look like this:
empeg unit
| |
| |
| | vcc |
| / |
| \ |
| / |
--------- | \ |
| | | | |
|---| -------- | | | | / |
| |---|OP-AMP|---o-------0---| |-- |
| | -------- | | \ AUDIO |
| | | | OUT |
| |------O--------------------o---- |
|---| | | |
| --- |
| - |
Edit: Allthough now that cofee has kicked in I can't help but think that a capacitor is needed between the op-amp output and the point where red and white wires get joined to cut off DC coming onto the op-amp's output. Hence the reference to the optional coupling capacitor on the mic's schematics.
Which should be lesson enough to not post a) before bed and b) after just having waked up
empeg unit
| |
| |
| | vcc |
| / |
| \ |
| / |
------------ | \ |
| | | | |
|---| -------- \ | | | | | / |
| |---|OP-AMP|--| |-o-----0---| |-- |
| | -------- / | | | \ AUDIO |
| | | | OUT |
| |------O---------------------o---- |
|---| | | |
| --- |
| - |