If it is classified as high end audio equipment, then it will be a leader in the category.

You hit the nail right on the head, Calvin.

I strongly suspect that the GREAT majority of purchasers of the empeg Mark II are NOT looking for a computer for their car that happens to play music.... but want a superior music player for their car that happens to be a computer.

I am somewhat of a computer geek (as are, I bet, most of the 614 people registered on this bbs) but I don't care one way or the other that the empeg Mark II is a computer. I just want the best music player on the market, and if that turned out to be hamsters in a cage turning Edison wax cylinders instead of an ARM processor running multi-gigabyte hard drives, then I'd start stocking up on hamster food.

When empeg goes mass market, you are going to see a big change in the user demographic. It will shift toward people who want an 800 CD in-dash changer, and the people who want to expand the capabilities of the empeg beyond music will fill into a small (but talented, vocal, and intriguing) minority.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"