And the gimp file, if you want to change transparency or colours...

Okay, I give up. What do I need to click on in Gimp to change the colour?

To start, if you haven't found the Layers dialog, open that up (Ctrl-L, or Dialogs->Layers), and select the lens layer. Before starting to play, I'd suggest making a duplicate layer (click the "two pages" icon next to the anchor, in the Layers dialog). You might want to turn off the visibility of the other layers, by clicking on the eye icon to the left of the layer thumbnail and name, so you can see the exact color you're getting (or not, if you'd do the changes while seeing how it'll look when composited over the fascia).

After that, there are a number of options, but the easiest (since we're dealing with a solid color) is to use one of the filters -- right click on the image to get your context-menu, and select Filters->Colors->Map->Color Exchange....

That pops up a dialog with a preview area, a "From Color" area, and a "To Color" area. Click the blue swatch of colour in the preview area, and then twiddle the sliders (RGB values from 0 to 1) in the bottom area. Click OK when you're happy. If you prefer to not twiddle sliders, you can click the colour swatch in the "To Color" area, instead, which will pop up another dialog, where you can have a whole bunch of different options for picking colours -- gimp's crosshairs method, a colour triangle, some sort of paintbrush thingy I haven't figured out, and 0-255 numerical entry boxes (in either HSV or RGB).

If that's not clear, let me know what part you're stuck on, and I'll try to clarify...