Originally Posted By: hybrid8
I'll do some crossing of fingers as well (toes too if it helps) in hopes that all the states that matter do their part to put Obama in office.

Well, looks like the fantastic joke that was Sarah can now go back to her town hall in Wasilla. Oh, you say she's still governor? Ouch!

I can't fathom why/how someone would vote Republican right now, but I also couldn't believe GW made it in the first time and then got propped for a second term. Definitely the two most epic fails of the past decade.

Yeah, not exactly the party of Lincoln, is it? I have to remind myself that the Democrats were just as bad or worse through most of the 20th century.

I don't know if I can generalize about current-day Republicans but it is clear that a good chunk of them are stuck celebrating ignorance and "averageness". Heaven forbid that we should have a president who is *smart*. I would say that I was being harsh and snooty if not for the comments of conservatives like David Brooks:


I can remember a time when the notion of conservative Republicans wasn't a cruel joke. Like 1964. Barry Goldwater. Seriously. You might not have agreed with Barry, but he wasn't an ignoramus.

I was so caught up by the notion of having somebody smart elected as president that my hand slipped -- my pen tried to mark down a vote for the Green Party candidate but it made a mark for Barack Obama instead. I hope he appreciates that. This man has his work cut out for him. He now has a lot of people who will be waiting for "Change" and who can be easily disappointed.

Strangely, as much as some folks decried left-wing Bush "haters", I never heard about radicals who were stalking the ignoramus-in-chief. By contrast, I fear that the inbred enemies of a President Obama won't be quite so subtle. I really, really hope that we can celebrate this victory but I expect that the Secret Service will need to be in top form.

Why celebrate? Not sure I can celebrate, really, but an Obama victory does provide a small amount of reassurance....that, unlike 2000 (or 2004?) that the election wasn't stolen. This time.


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.