Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.

Yes, Senator Obama, congratulations on being elected Captain of the Titanic.

I think if you and I ever meet up for that big "Who's the *real* pessimist here?" arm wrassle, there's a good chance I could easily walk away with the title and the belt.

I think I am pretty clear-eyed about our current predicaments and the limited value of traditional American politics. I don't tend to be a groupie.

Funny, though, the past day. Watching video from Grant Park and from downtown Seattle and from Nairobi. November 4, 2008 was frickin HUGE. It is almost a pleasure to watch the BBC reporting now that we know "it's safe". Barack seems pretty well grounded and, dang!, he is actually SMART!!!. Michelle seems pretty normal and SMART too!!! (I pray that we don't find out that she is actually some harpie from Hell.) And he has 2 kids who are cute and maybe normal. And who get a puppy.

Anyhow, you have folks gravitating to the Lincoln Memorial to reflect on this day. This is not stage managed. It is people. So I hope there is some cause for optimism.

You want to talk about the global impact of this election? Well dig this:

It woke Bonzi up from his slumber.

So there.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.