Actually, I don't consider myself an audiophile. Or, at least, not if that mean looking for unneeded audio quality just for the sake of it. I just try to get the quality I like, whatever that is. And, I honestly dislike the way this thing sounds. I find it worse than my cassette walkman form the 80s, and that's bad

It's just flat, very lacking bass frequencies, lacking spatial stero effect, almost completely.
Volume level is also so low that I can listen to it at max volume without any problem. That's ok in house, but bad when going around with noise aroun you (busses, traffic - i use this in my bike commute to work). And, just to tell you how bad volume leve is: I mostly listen to radio when riding to work. In that specific occasion, I don't care about audio quality: I am listening to people talking and also I want to pay attention to noises around me. But, I want to understand what's being said. In some occasions, I just find it hard, just because of traffic noise. At max volume of course. Not good.
And, I am almost sure it is worse than G5 iPods, which I have listened to, occasionally. After ruling out all EQ and earplugs issues, I am left thinking they just decreased audio quality on the stereo jack in G6 .