I think the analogy of Leo on TWiT was pretty good: they hit a single, double, triple, and then they fouled out.
The shuffle is okay (and it's hilarious that Steve allowed buttons to be
added). The nano, I think, is the highlight with a fantastic form factor. The Touch is not only just what they needed to do, but more than I expected. The Touch used to be the iPhone without the phone and several important features. Now it is exactly the iPhone without the phone.
The AppleTV and iTunes were a little underwhelming. I do not like Ping, and don't think it will be a successful network. Not only is it a walled garden, which is bad for a social network, but you have to have a piece of software installed to even look at it. I don't have to be a member of Twitter to view its content, but I have to download, install, and sign up for iTunes to view its content.
The AppleTV update was very minor. The most important part of it was the price drop, frankly. They didn't add anything at all that many other devices didn't already have for over a year now (everything has Netflix in it now, and I disagree with Steve that this is the best implementation of it). Essentially it's a Roku box, but Roku has a great deal of content that AppleTV won't have.
I'd also love to know if Apple did indeed plan to name the AppleTV iTV, but it looks like they didn't get to take that name. That's a first. It looks like Ping.fm might be pretty pissed off, though