Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Apple will compete and do so well because of their market presence and brand. I will buy a Boxee Box when it comes out, but even with my sale, I'd be surprised if they could pull off even 5% of Apple's sales. Google might fare better, but I don't have high hopes for them either in this market.

Google's box will be more confusing to the average consumer, and that will hurt it. But they've already said they'll have apps, which is what everyone was hoping the AppleTV would have, and that might get it as many sales as the AppleTV. I agree that the Boxee Box will not sell nearly as many as either of these companies.

I think Apple is going to move a lot more boxes than they did with the previous generations. I don't know if they've done enough to jump it out of Hobby class though.

There are only two reasons they'll sell more than they did before: lower price for the box, and lower price for TV shows. Lower prices for movies would have helped a lot. Netflix is probably already on something else a person buying an AppleTV has, since Netflix is already on about 337 different devices.

And back to the iPod... Everyone wishes that the iPod touch had a GPS. Well, everyone except TomTom and Garmin of course. Apple might not have wanted to dedicate any internal space for the AGPS receiver, or it might strictly be based on iPhone differentiation.

My guess for why there's no GPS is because Apple doesn't want people using the Touch as a nav system because without a cellular data connection, there's no way to get map data. It would probably be harder to cache all the map data an user would want than to just not let the user do GPS.

This thing is, at the very least, going to put a huge dent in the sales of pocket HD video recorders. Nice to be able to send the video over WiFi so you can then clean out your flash and record more video.

One question about the Touch's camera: am I wrong, or did I hear correctly that it's not as good quality as the iPhone's camera? I think it's lower res...