Originally Posted By: DWallach
My old AppleTV was a great box for Boxee, except that it would overheat and crap out. (To watch a one-hour show, I have to put an ice pack on it first.)

This is mostly due to the Xbox heritage of XBMC which Boxee is based off. It sits in a tight loop constantly updating the screen even when nothing has changed. If you have Boxee running on something like a Mac mini, you'll hear the fans go into overdrive whenever the GUI is up as the CPU is pegged at nearly 100% usage. It drops a bit when it is actually playing something but it is still higher than it should be.

Changing it to reduce the high CPU usage has appeared as a feature request several times but each time it gets shot down as it would involve a major rewrite of the core which nobody is willing to do.

Originally Posted By: DWallach
Notice that Apple has a discrete little USB port on the back? That's the way you installed the original patchstick. It's almost like they're inviting the hackers in.

This is Apple we're talking about here so that is highly unlikely...