Thanks, Dan. I haven't had a chance to play with it much, but it does look pretty nice, if a bit rough around the edges.

My guess on the lack of Buzz integration is that they're going to silently kill Buzz off once Google+ is widely adopted -- not only because it contains most of Buzz's functionality, but also to avoid the negative mojo Buzz received when it launched.

The lack of Reader and Talk integration is more puzzling -- those seem like no-brainers.

Re: whether Google+ will succeed, I think it's important to remember that, as flawed as Myspace was, it still took Facebook a couple of years to become the top dog. Facebook has its own flaws, particularly in the area of data stewardship, so I think Google is wise to emphasize the ability to control what you share with whom. And, to riff off of the point that Dan's friend made about high school friends on Facebook versus college friends/colleagues on Twitter, perhaps Google+s weakness of not having anyone on it yet is actually a positive thing for some people who want to start fresh without defriending a bunch of people.

Folks who've already sucked their entire lives into Facebook probably aren't going to be leaving any time soon, but I think there are a lot of reluctant Facebook users out there who will give it a shot.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff