Originally Posted By: hybrid8
It can be 100x better and still not make a dent at all in Facebook. I don't think it's going to achieve critical mass. It's like jumping back to 2002 and trying to beat eBay. No one could have done it then. Google would be better off waiting around for a potential social-esque collapse. Not going to happen any time son, but imagine all the millions they'd save.

I really like that G+ has fixed many of the things I hated about Facebook. Example: arbitrarily long posts. I also like the Circles thing. Yes, Facebook also has a form of group ACLs, but G+ makes it a lot easier to add and remove groups when you're about to do something. I also like that you can follow somebody without them needing to follow you back (like Twitter, unlike Facebook). There are a lot of good ideas in G+.

Do you mean to say that LinkedIn has changed up its site to more closely match Facebook or are you implying LinkedIn in itself has always been modeled after Facebook?

The former. LinkedIn now has text status updates and you can comment on your friends' posts. Just like Facebook. That was definitely not there in the beginning, but Facebook borrowed/improved the idea from Twitter, and LinkedIn followed suit.