Although this may just be stooping down to a level I don't need to be at - Yz33d, your assumption in the previous post that if "you could somehow measure every molecule, every atom, every force in a given environment and calculate how they will respond and react to eachother, then you could predict how that enivironment and everything within it will have changed in a given timeframe" has been proven to be nonsense.

The wonderful field of quantum mechanics shows us categorically that you cannot do that. Even identical situations can end up differing widely.

So do people. You may have no mental problems (although the evidence you present on this BBS indicates otherwise) but some do. Sometimes it is connected to chemical imbalances and needs medical treatment, sometimes it is caused by emotional issues - "all in your head" as you say and needs to be fixed by counselling.

Very often it is the case that the initial cause may be emotional, but self sustaining unless chemical means are used to assist change. Hence anti-depressants.

I know you may just be a youngster, but take a cue from others on this board who are under twenty, but who have a depth of awareness of others and some social maturity.

In other words - grow up a little Yz33d
MkIIa, blue lit buttons, memory upgrade, 1Tb in Subaru Forester STi
MkII, 240Gb in Mark Lord dock
MkII, 80Gb SSD in dock