I forgot my biggest logic complaint from the premiere of The Cape. This isn't really a spoiler, because it happens halfway through the premiere episode.

Anyway, the Cape's mentor decides he's being too careless with the whole Cape persona, and takes the cape and his help from him.

So, the exiled police officer leaves the carnival where he's been training and wanders the streets. He eventually stumbles across a conveniently abandoned underground lair that seems perfect for his purposes.

Okay, up until here, I'm willing to accept this all and suspend disbelief.

But then we see the officer wandering the streets, apparently collecting stuff for his new abode. This appears to consist of random computer equipment, generators, and other things that no homeless person with zero cash could possibly cobble together. We're not given a timeframe for how long it has taken him to put his lair together, but the montage seems to span anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks. In that time he's somehow created a computer system with multiple monitors, connected to an unseen ISP (do I assume he's stealing from a Starbucks or something?), and basically put together a lair that should have cost him thousands of dollars. He also seems to have magically developed hacking skills of his own, because that's what the plot calls for.

Oh, and I'd be surprised if you could put knives in a baseball pitching machine and have it throw those knives how you'd think. And when it goes out of control, why not just step to the side instead of ducking?

Anyway, clearly I have a lot of problems with this show. The more I think about it the more it bothers me. However, I'm going to stick with it for a few more episodes because in general, I find there are very few truly great pilots.