OK, in the first thread I made about having a Mac, the number 1 thing that annoyed me was the keyboard shortcuts. While I'm beginning to like so many things about OSX (I'll have to start a positive thread sometime), there's one thing that I'm getting adjusted to but still not happy about: the keyboard shortcuts.

I still find the shortcuts to be poorly laid out, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to get around it. I've installed something Bitt recommended: KeyRemp4MacBook, but I don't see how to get it to do what I want. Let me explain:

Here's how OSX works:

Skip between words: option+left/right
Copy word: command+C
Switch browser tab: control+Tab

What I'm looking for is to make the "option" and "command" in the above example instead be "control."

What KeyRemap4MacBook seems to let me do is...well...exactly what it says. It will let me remap a key to another function. This will make the control key act like the command key. But what I want is for the control key to pick up the duties of the command key (or at least some of them). How do I do that?