Originally Posted By: Dignan
1- that it only switches between applications and not open windows of those applications
Originally Posted By: Dignan
2- that when I stop on that application, it doesn't bring up the window.
Try Cmd-H to hide the application instead of minimizing. When Command-Tabbing back, the window will unhide. Minimizing on OS X is a mouse way to hide and unhide one specific window of an application.

Originally Posted By: Dignan
The keyboard prefs definitely don't appear to have this capability, and neither does the app I mentioned. I looked at keyboard prefs, and it doesn't appear, for example, like I can turn "control+C" into copy. Am I wrong?

Keyboard Preferences is the right place, perhaps a picture will help. See attached for setting Control-C for Copy in all Applications. This is taken from the "Keyboard Shortcuts" part of the Keyboard preference pane, Application Shortcuts, then the + button. The power of Keyboard Shortcuts is they can reassign anything that has a menu command, or even assign a shortcut if the app didn't provide one. It's limitation is that it can't remap meta keys, like the brightness or volume controls.

Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Hey, at least the Finder has keyboard shortcuts. Do they even exist in Explorer yet? But you should probably be using PathFinder instead of Finder anyway (where everything is reconfigurable).
Originally Posted By: Dignan
I'm not sure what you mean by this. AFAICT, Finder is very different from Explorer. And Explorer has tons of keyboard shortcuts. So yeah, I'm not understanding you here.

Up till Windows 7 (or possibly Vista), Windows Explorer lacked a new folder keyboard shortcut. It had a keyboard sequence to navigate the menus, but no direct shortcut, nor an equivalent to Keyboard Shortcuts to assign one. This is likely one thing Bruno is remembering.

Screen Shot 2012-08-24 at 10.38.44.png

Description: Keyboard Shortcuts