Originally Posted By: hybrid8
the bottom task bar is a poor UI/UX design decision by MS
In all Western cultures...

Complying with a specific, albeit pervasive, western culture pattern is only one parameter to evaluate the quality of a specific solution, assuming that kind of consistency is desired at all, which is not obvious. Not only there are many other parameters you may use to evaluate a specific ergonomic solution (I offered a few above, even though I don't claim any of them to be the most sensitive one to use), but even if we only want to consider consistency with this left-right / top-down paradigm, in what way complying with it is better, and what do you mean by "better" in this case?

I am just saying the issue here is not as obvious; it is rather complex, controversial, and debated.

Edited by taym (24/08/2012 17:07)
= Taym =
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