Originally Posted By: DWallach
Originally Posted By: sein
But iPlayer, The Verge, XBMC Remote, Twitter and many others are either broken or just ridiculous when viewed in 2560x1600.

Hopefully, as the market share of the Nexus 7 and other such tablets grows, more devs will get on the bandwagon.

The Nexus 7 is a great device, but as popular as it is I think the problem is that it is still really close to a phone. It has the same resolution as my One X phone, and it does get away with running normal phone apps upsized a bit. I would guess that it would make developers a little lazy as they can look at their app and think that it works fine. With a much larger resolution and a much larger device the Nexus 10 is quite a different beast along with devices like the Moto Xoom, Asus TF101, Samsung Galaxy Pad etc. But the reality is I don't know anyone else who has one of these larger Android tablets so it may take a while to catch iOS when it comes to tablet app quality, if that ever happens.