You're the guy who makes it hard for the rest of us who don't care. People like you are the reason we get asked "is Pepsi OK?"

That's me. Which is good, because I'd rather have crab juice.

Restaurants carry only one or the other, not both.
I know of a place which threw me. They had both. The trick is, their fountain is Pepsi, if you get Coke it's in a can. The cans of course have corn syrup. Oh well.

If I didn't specify clearly "no Pepsi", then I shouldn't get upset if I get Pepsi.

Coke isn't Pepsi. 1 isn't 0. Specifying Coke carries an implicit "not Pepsi" as it is impossible to bring me what I asked for and still have it be Pepsi.

You're wrong. I'd stay and argue but I need to go on a trip now