Thanks Jim. I definately was lucky when it came to the right doctor. I was driven to the local ER then they referred me to a large hospital in Nashville where a retinal surgeon performed the surgery. 20 years ago I would have lost my eye but if I'm lucky I will recover nearly 95% of my vision (if the scar does not cross my field of vision).

It has really made me more aware of how precious sight really is. The eye that was injured was my dominant eye and it provided me with 75% of my vision overall. I've had to adjust since to use my other, and with just one eye I can really sympathize with the blind or sight impaired. At the time I was nowhere near the work area and was not doing anything dangerous, but from now on I will be wearing safety glasses for absolutely ANYTHING that could potentially fly up into my face!

Don't take your sight for granted, and I know that I would think very long and hard about having lasik surgery when my sight could be corrected by contacts or glasses. One advantage of glasses over contacts is the additional layer of protection they give!
Mark Cushman