If it's something like a mild corrective prescription, I'm going to trust the doctor with his judgement. He knows more about this stuff. But if he's going to cut a part of me, especially my eyes, I'm going to ask him some questions.

The fact is, in her story, she makes it sound as if she went right into the operation without any research whatsoever (in fact, I think she says this flat out). I watched dozens of these operations, including my mother's, before going through it myself. I knew every step of the way what was happening, and the doctor made sure to fill me in as well.

I definitely think she went to the wrong people. They should have made her more informed of what was going on. However, my father and I asked countless questions of anyone who would listen. We made sure to arm ourselves with the knowledge of what was happening to us.

When I went in to see the surgeon who would be performing the operation, he was fairly certain that I would have to have enhancements (read: corrections) done after the initial operation. He told me this.

Inform yourself!