I don't know where to put this reply, so I will stick it to the original post:
I urge evolution-sceptics to consider what else is wrong or baseless if species actually don't evolve: genetics, biomedicine, virology, practically all life sciences are firmly rooted in notion of evolution. Take that out, and what is left: capricious God playing elaborate and cruel practical joke on His creation!?
All kinds of pseudosciences (including, but by far not limited to creationism) take easy way: they have simple answer for everything, ignoring the vast body of knowledge gathered at the price of oceans of sweat and often blood (and that knowledge only scratching the surface of reality). At least today biologists, paleontologists and honest teachers are not burning at stake (yet). Giordano Bruno did. And yet, 'it
does move', as his more pragmatical colleague Galileo would say, no?
So, my dear creationists, believe as you wish, but then be honest and don't touch that flu vaccine - it is surely work of devil.
Edit: Sorry for somewhat abrasive tone; I did not intent to insult any believer who actually thinks about this (and, as this thread shows, such creatures do exist
