I made it. I installed 3.00 Alpha3, got the rebuild problem, synched and now it is working great. So far.

Hoping that is is of some help:

I updated Emplode to 2.10 . Tried to upograde the player sw and failed. Tried again with emplode 2.00, adn failed again. Then realized the upgrade.exe had not been changed. I so tried to upgrade starting upgrade.exe directly, without having emplode running, and I succeeded.

I got the rebuild problem, as I said. So I started emplode 2.00 again, which started to synch automatically. After it had done, I synched manually once more. Problem solved.

Now I am wondering whether I should try or not emplode 2.10.

I enabled crossfading. In a while I'll go and test if it works and if the radio+rds works. If so, I'm happy. Really!

Edited by taym (26/09/2003 04:50)
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg