is it possible to mark tracks "no cross fade" or something?
Or (and I know how insane this request is, but I can at least ask can't I?) set the fade points on a per song basis. For songs you don't want to fade out (or in) you could set this a 0 seconds, but there are a lot of songs that already fade out, and I'd set the fade to begin before the song gets to that point. Of course there'd still have to be a default so you don't have to go through and set this for 3000+ songs. Also some songs with long beginnings could be set to fade in somewhere into the song. This would only have to actually "fade" five seconds (or whatever) of the song, it's just a matter of where it would start.

Anyway, sorry for this, I just had to mention it. Feel free to disregard this post entirely.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.