I've never actually supported hijack for uploads (only downloads), though I've thought about adding hijack upload support. However, fast connections is /supposed/ to be pretty comparable in speed ... It's possible fast connections aren't working right now (now I'm wondering if I pulled that code out because there isn't an equivalent concept on the Karma -- I bet I did). I'll take a look at that.

It looks to me like you still have fast connection support in (unless I am missing something obvious). Anyway, I modified v46 to support fid uploading and deleting via ftp and I am getting around 700k/sec (that is to an ext3 filesystem, ext2 may be faster). Also, the small file operations (uploading fid text files and deleting fids) are significantly faster using ftp directly. Anyway, let me know if you are interested in a patch and I will finish it up (right now I have it uploading everything to drive0, gotta make that more intelligent) and send over a patch.

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration