Well, it is just Dubya after all. I mean, if it weren't for the White House staff dressing him, he'd show up to work barefoot in a NASCAR t-shirt.

I doubt it. As good as his "I'm just a backwater hillfolk ignoramus and proud of it just like you" act is, he's not. Gotta respect Karl Rove for his marketing genius, love or hate the results. While he may have lived in Texas, he sure as hell was not educated there. Yokels do NOT get sent to Andover. (They do get into Yale sometimes, but under their own steam.) George is from Greenwich (the poor folks in town are merely rich, there's plenty of FU money in that town. The amount of power and money centered there is mindblowing. The local public high school has classes in philanthropy, because of the sheer percentage of kids there who will never have to work and will inherit enough that they can give piles of it away withoiut denting their lifestyle. Billionaires are not exactly uncommon there either, and there's only about 350 of those in the country.

Sure he does well to pander to the uneducated and proud of it (anyone else notice intellectual has become a dirty word like liberal?) segment of the population, just for the sheer head count, but he's not one of them. As soon as he gets back among his breathren, "my base" as he called them on his last visit there, he drops the hick act. Drops his beloved born again prattle too.

But the point is not that it's the Chimp in Chief, I'd find it unnacceptable no matter who was president. What I want to know is why so many people seem to think this (as well as the bad church attire, and the "whadda ya mean I can't wear sweatpants in your 4 star restaurant") is appropriate? It's not just in this instance. I've had to send receptionists home (and later would often wind up firing many of the same) to change, and I could not stop staring at some of the things I saw a bunch of new hires ( fresh out of college, same age group as these women) were wearing last time I stopped by mom's office(most definitely not a casual environment. The mentally handicapped guys who work in the mailroom have demonstated they can figure this out). And I was in jeans. WTF? I'm curios as to where the concept of "This is OK" comes from.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony