I'll have to get my uncle, a writer and historian on men's fashion, to give me a quick write-up on this topic. I know I've heard him talk about it on several occasions.

I will say that I've been to the opera here at the Kennedy Center, and was pretty surprised to see shorts and short sleeves with sandals. It's not like I was in the old money crowd, so my girlfriend wasn't wearing her floor-length fur w/extravegant jewels and big hat, but I had a coat and tie on.

Would you say, Jim, that there are no situations that require attire above a certain level? Should we expect to start seeing tank tops at weddings...or funerals? I also agree that it's nice not to have to wear a tie to work, especially with the oppressive heat we're having here. My whole building has a very relaxed dress code. Heck, right now there's a guy who works across the hall and he's in shorts and sneakers. Sometimes I think how it's a shame you don't see as many suits any more, but then I think about how much I'd hate to be the one wearing them.