Style changes over time, and Western society has been drifting towards more comfort and less formal dress for a long time, and I see nothing wrong with that.

Now that I've gotten a little derision out of my system, perhaps I can speak to Heather's real point....

It was interesting many years ago to move from the East Coast -- where putting on a jacket and tie for dinner was not very unusual -- to Seattle, where it was durned hard to find anybody in any restaurant with a tie. I like Seattle better in that respect.

Funny, or not so funny, I have a woman friend who has worked at ATT Wireless for years. Well, as you know, it is now Cingular. Witness the invasion of Bell South personnel policies. Lots of new directives to the effect that women really should wear dresses -- and "No sandals without hose!" Seriously. (Oh, and all of Wireless' gas-saving telecommute policies are being thrown out, too. Anything "liberal"? Gone.) So, the Pacific Northwest gets invaded by Nashville corporate mindset. Not good.

So, I like living someplace where people wear lots of sandals and shorts, but I am enough of a snob to agree with Heather's basic point. I am impressed that people are willing to be slobs on so many occasions. Imagine some guy standing in that shot wearing a tank top and beat up sneakers. Not hard to imagine.

Ah, but this is just to get our minds off Rove and Libby, ain't it?

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.