I love this quote from what is otherwise a pretty lousy movie:

He said, good manners are just a way of showing other people we have respect for them. See, I didn't know that, I thought it was just a way of acting all superior.

I think too many people forget both of those things. That good manners are about respecting other people and that so many people think that it's just a way to be superior.

There are a lot of problems here. I have no problem with being comfortable, but there's no reason that those girls couldn't have been comfortable, yet display the decency required for that situation. (Personally, I wouldn't have show up, mostly for fear of being arrested for punching the President in the face.) And it's not the idiot in the suit that the respect is for; it's the office and the position. But those girls were more interested in themselves than in anything else, and that's an epidemic that spans the entirety of US culture these days, from showing up to a formal event in flip-flops, to talking on your cell phone while driving, to attacking other countries on a whim. There's no respect for others.

Now, I'm a bastard, and I don't give people many second chances, but until someone shows me that he's an idiot or a jerk, and even sometimes afterward, I try to show him the courtesy of doing things in a manner I would want them done in. I'm sure I fail too often, but I try, and I don't get the impression that that's a virtue that's at all striven for anymore.
Bitt Faulk