Yes, you're right; it is a free country, and you don't have to care what anyone else thinks. But by the same token (and since I agree 100% with Heather), nobody should whine if they get refused service / have their employment terminated / or are looked down upon by others when they decide to not abide by the standards decided upon by a particular place of business / occupation / group of people.

As for myself, I generally dress quite casually. I'm rarely seen in anything other than a t-shirt (generally topped by a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, if not a polo), nice jeans and my docs. But I'm a student. Even so, I'm generally much more appropriately dressed than most of the other students in my class.

If I go to a funeral, I wear a suit, as propriety demands. Likewise for court, or dinner at a nice restaurant. If I go for a job interview, I dress appropriate to the company. Personally, I would have fired the "Juicy" girl in Heather's story on the spot, no discussion. She's obviously not the kind of professional individual I would want working with my customers.

I have no problem with people trumpeting their "rights" in this country. But sadly, many of those same people become self-righteous when they have to deal with the consequences of their choice.