The buzz around today's conference is absurd, the predictions of the technology press have been all over the place, and the lengths people are going to to get a scoop on this stuff is incredible. I think my favorite so far is that group that monitors customs to try to find big shipments of products, and how they found an enormous shipment of "Electric Computers" being sent to Cupertino.
What do you guys predict? So far, I've heard rumors of a new iPhone with 3G, GPS, a second camera on the screen side for video conferencing, and most importantly a white or black back instead of chrome

The only other rumor I've heard (as far as I can remember), is that Apple will be releasing some other product, possibly an internet tablet kind of device, like the Nokia 880.
As for the iPhone rumors, it's pretty much a certainty that a new phone revision will be released, what with the depleted stock in AT&T and Apple stores, which is really the only solid information we have going into the conference. That, and the uncovered option in the new iPhone firmware to turn off HSDPA. So if nothing else, it's probably 90% certain that there will be a 3G iPhone announced. I have no idea if the other stuff is true, but the GPS would be pretty neat.
As for the second device, I'm pretty skeptical. When the iPhone was released, it was billed as one third internet tablet. I'd be surprised if Apple tried to get into that market, considering how small that market is (really, how many of those Nokias have sold?).
So, what are your predictions?