Do you really need to take this discussion to that level to make your point?
No, I don't. But I didn't say "shithead" - that's completely different than having one's head up one's ass.

Do you think your statement will convince someone who voted for McCain to say “Boy you are so right, thanks for calling me a shit head. I now see your point and I was wrong”
I don't think any statement, logic or reasoning will convince someone who voted McCain to reconsider their actions. If it were possible, they wouldn't have voted for McCain in the first place. A sane and rational person would have been convinced by the last 8 years of Bush policy that voting Republican this time around was the wrong thing to do.
Maybe you should just get your buddies together with some pitch forks and torches and kill everyone who had a McCain sign in their yard.
It's the McCain supporters that buy and sell all the pitch forks.

I would just like to live next to a neighbor country that isn't *constantly* starting wars and generally screwing every other country on the planet while doing so.