Originally Posted By: Dignan
I'm so pissed that Pushing Daisies got canceled.

Has anyone heard anything about the last three episodes? I haven't seen a new schedule showing it in the lineup.

The original Life on Mars is way better than the US version.

I have to respectfully disagree with this comment. I have just started watching the UK original (2 episodes so far) and while I like it, I don't think it's as good as the US version. The acting is quite well done, the characters likeable enough, but there's just too much missing. I get a sense like there's too much padding in the UK version whereas the US remake uses that extra time to provide more content - that works well. I think I would feel the same way even if I had watched the UK version first. I can't shake the feeling that parts of the episode are stretched a little too thin.

They've done an amazing job of refreshing the series and I think they've ended up with a better produced and better written show for it.

Now, I wouldn't expect all shows to work as well given a remake. The Office worked, but I can't imagine the IT Crowd pulling it off (I'd love to see the US pilot though).
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