I notice no one has said anything about Dollhouse. There's probably a good reason for this. In that it is, so far, extraordinarily bad.

The whole premise is derivative, which we knew to start with, but there doesn't seem to be anything else to it yet. Yeah, there's the "maybe she remembers something" part, but it's not like that's not been done to death, too.

Then there are the actual episodes. So far only three, the first of which was bad, but in a first-episode kind of way, the second of which (Middleman!!) was better, but mediocre. And then there's this most recent episode, which was skin-crawlingly awful. I don't remember the last time I fast-forwarded through parts of an episode of TV.

If Dollhouse didn't say "Joss Whedon" on it, I would definitely not be watching any more. Even so, I'm not going to give it much longer.
Bitt Faulk