I actually enjoy Dollhouse. The subplots have me intrigued (Alpha, security wonk, memories coming back). I don't watch a lot of TV, but now I've expanded to Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles, Dollhouse as well as hockey. I'm not sure why others don't like it.

I never watched Firefly when it was on the air. In fact, I never heard of it until long after it was canceled. One of my friends was talking about how much she missed the show, so I told her I never heard of it. She told me to watch Serenity (which I also never heard of), but I blew it off until my roommate rented it. Serenity was amazing, so I bought the Firefly series. I don't think it hurt the experience by watching the movie first.

Other than Firefly/Serenity, the only thing I've seen by Joss was Dr. Horrible. I couldn't tell you anything about Buffy or Angel if my life depended on it. Maybe that is why I enjoy the story of Dollhouse, lack of expectation?