I guess it's one of those experiential things. I know that the last time I complained about bluetooth, Trevor called me crazy because he's never had problems with it, but a couple other people agreed that they've had problems with it.
You said that Bluetooth was a failure on the whole because you've had issues with it. You're completely writing it off because of that and claiming that it is a failure and then expecting everybody to agree with you. The couple people who agree with you will have to argue against the millions that successfully use Bluetooth every day.
Okay, okay, cool down. Perhaps you're right. I think that comes from the impression that I get that everyone is feeling the exact same way about RF. I never hear anything but negative things about the RF when compared to bluetooth. So yeah, I feel there's nothing wrong with bringing my own experience into it. And it's not just my own experience, I'm also thinking of everyone else I know of that has used bluetooth, and they all have nothing but annoyances with it. I did concede in my post that this could be an experiential thing, you know, so I've already conceded that yes, many people use bluetooth without problems every day. But don't get so PO'd at me just because I don't know anyone personally who has used it without issue.
The downside of that is the built in battery is difficult to replace. I assume that the MX1000 uses a similar battery to the one inside my MX Revolution.
Yes, the battery is not replaceable, but I've never considered that to be a problem. Like I said, I've used this mouse for a few years now and I don't have any battery issues.
The lack of a cradle in the newer wireless Logitech mice is actually a feature they list. The more fiddly charging method is offset against the alledgely vastly improved battery life of the new mice.
I'm sure that's true, but then it becomes an issue of how much this matters to you. To be honest, the charge on my MX1000 lasts so long I can't even remember how often I have to recharge it. Maybe every one to two weeks? Whatever it is, I've never once wished that it was longer. If anything, I've always been amazed at how long it lasts. And when it does run low, like I said, it's so easy to just literally drop it into its cradle. I don't ever think about battery charge.
If it wasn't for the changed scrollwheel and the missing buttons on the side, I'd be quite happy with the new features and changes in the Performance MX.
Please don't mistake me, I love my MX1000, but I am not at all suggesting that the new Logitech mice are bad. I'm not a certain other poster here

I'm actually a bit of a Logitech fanboy, and I think their new mice are fantastic. If it sounded like I took a negative tone towards the new mice, I'll let you in on a little secret: it's probably because I'm jealous!
There's so much I like about the new mice, but I've become so ingrained with the control method I've set up with my MX1000 that it would take months, perhaps a year, to get used to a new mouse with different/fewer buttons. Combine that with my
slight preference for my current charging method, and all I'm really saying is that there's not enough to get me to upgrade when I have a mouse I'm perfectly happy with.